University Requirement Courses


All University Programs must fulfill those courses requirements offered externally to the school of Food Industry. They are designed to constitute an integrative aspect to the university so that a learner signs for the University and not only to an individual Program in a segregated perspective. University requirement courses (UR) are of the following categories:

University Requirement Category Courses to be taken from Category Credits
Arts or sports 1 3
English Lang 3 9
Cultural study 1 3
Law or ethics 1 3
Math 1 3
Computer 1 3
Research 1 3
Total 9 27

List of UR courses per category

Category Code Course Name
Arts or sports ART200 History of International Art
ART205 Basic of Photography
SPO290 Sports
SPO200 Recreational activities
English Language ENG 101 English Language
ENG 200 Sophomore Rhetoric
ENG 300 Communication Art
ENG 305 Academic writing
Cultural studies CULT205 History of civilization
SOCI205 Sociology
CULT200 Culture 1 / Emirates History
Law or ethics ETH200 Ethics and Practice
LAW200 Food Governing Bodies
LAW205 labor law
LAW210 Trade Law
Math MATH200 Applied Statistics
MATH205 Business Mathematics
Computer COMP200 Introduction to computers
COMP205 Information Technology
Research  STAT400 Methodology of research


Core Courses

Core courses are the courses taken by all food industry program learners:

Course Code Course Name Credits
BIOL201 General Biology 3
CHEM201 General Chemistry 3
PHYS201 Introduction to physics 3
CHEM250 Organic Chemistry 3
BIOL250 Microbiology 3
NUTR250 Nutrition 3
FDIN250 Introduction to Food Technology 3
FDIN300 Food Chemistry 3
FDIN305 Biochemistry 3
FDIN310 Food Engineering 3
FDIN390 Supervised training in food establishment 1
FDIN400 Food Processing 3
FDIN399 Seminar 1
FDIN490 Graduation Project 3
Total 38

*: can be ACC, HRM, MGT or MKT according to learner’s choice of emphasis.


Technical Electives List 1

List 1 constituting of courses that all food industry program learners should choose 2 from, irrespective of emphasis.

Course Code Course Name Credits
FDIN415 Introduction to Waste Management 3
FDIN405 Food Manufacturing Processes 3
HRM301 Human Resource Management 3
FDIN465 Food Service Management 3

Food Industry Program Emphasis

Emphasis 1: Quality and safety of food (QSF)

Courses to be taken:
QSF courses to be taken if food industry program learner chooses to emphasize on quality and safety of food.

Course Code Course Name Credits
FDIN201 Food safety and quality management systems 3
FDIN260 Practical guide to packaging and shelf life calculations 3
FDIN360 Food Toxicants and additives 3
FDIN355 Crop and animal products pre-harvest attributes to Quality 3
FDIN420 Food Governing Bodies 3
Total 15


QSF Technical Elective List

QSF elective list constituting of courses that food industry program learner desiring to emphasize on quality and safety if food should choose 2 from.

Course Code Course Name Credits
ACC405 Forensic Accounting 3
ACC415 Internal Audit 3
ACC420 Tax Accounting 3
ACC430 Financial Statement Analysis 3
ACC355 Accounting Information Systems 3
ACC360 Applied Data Analytics 3

Emphasis 2: Food Science and Technology (FDST)

Courses to be taken:
FDST courses to be taken if food industry program learner chooses to emphasize on food science and technology.

Course Code Course Name Credits
FDIN450 Dairy Technology 3
FDIN456 Muscle Food Technology 3
FDIN446 Statistical Process Control 3
FDIN466 Food Proteins 3
FDIN476 Flour 3
Total 15

FDST Technical Elective List

FDST elective list constituting of courses that business program learner desiring to emphasize on food science and technology should choose 2 from.

Course Code Course Name Credits
FDIN315 Food Preservation 3
FDIN325 Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Foods 3
FDIN335 Microbiology of Fermented Foods 3
FDIN345 Food Analysis 3


Emphasis 3: Nutrition (NUTR)

Courses to be taken:
NUTR courses to be taken if business program learner chooses to emphasize on nutrition.

Course Code Course Name Credits
BIOC315 Medical Biochemistry 3
NUTR301 Advanced Nutrition 3
FDIN302 Functional Food 3
FDIN303 Nutrients Loss during Processing 3
NUTR302 Sports Nutrition 3
Total 15


NUTR Technical Elective List

NUTR elective list constituting of courses that business program learner desiring to emphasize on Management should choose 2 from.

Course Code Course Name Credits
FDIN460 Food Service Management 3
NUTR315 Dietary Supplements And Herbal Medicine 3
NUTR325 Food Systems And Health 3
MGT370 Product Innovation and Management 3
FDIN460 Food Service Management 3

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