School of Health Sciences
Suggested Study Plan
Physiotherapy and Kinesiology

Semester 1
Course code Course title Credits
BIOL201 General Biology 3
CHEM201 General Chemistry 3
PHYS201 Introduction to physics 3
COMP200 Introduction to computers 3
ENG101 English Language 3
Total 15
Semester 2
Course code Course title Credits
CHEM250 Organic Chemistry 3
BIOL250 Microbiology 3
NUTR250 Nutrition 3
PHSIO203 Gross anatomy and physiology Ⅰ 3
NURS200 Nursing and Medical terminology 3
ENG200 Sophomore Rhetoric 3
Total 18
Course code Course title Credits
URS/A Sports from list 2 3
CUL200 Emirates History 3
Total 6
Semester 3
Course code Course title Credits
FDIN305 Biochemistry 3
ANAPH301 Anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system 3
ANAPH302 Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system Lab 1
ANAPH303 Gross anatomy and physiology Ⅱ 3
PHSIO370 Physical Therapy Intervention 3
UR-English Choose from List 3
URM Math from list 3
Total 19
Semester 4
Course code Course title Credits
BIOC315 Medical Biochemistry 3
PHSIO320 Biomechanics and kinesiology 3
PHSIO321 Traumatology and Imaging  in Physical Therapy  Ⅰ 3
ANAPH308 Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology 3
PHSIO371 Physical Therapy Intervention Ⅱ 3
ETH200 Ethics and Practice 3
Total 18
Course code Course title Credits
NRS300 Nursing and first aid Clinical internship 1
PHSIO360 Physiopathology 3
Total 4
Semester 5
Course code Course title Credits
PHSIO401 Physical Therapy Assessment Motion Analysis Science and Posturology 3
PHSIO403 Written Physical Therapy documentation 3
PHSIO430 Clinical internships in Physical Therapy Ⅰ 3
PHYSIO440 Physical therapy in cardiovascular and pulmonary system 1
STAT400 Methodology of research 3
Major Elective From List 3
Total 16
Semester 6
Course code Course title Credits
PHSIO410 Traumatology and Imaging  in Physical Therapy  Ⅱ 3
PHSIO420 Physical Therapy Intervention Ⅲ 3
PHSIO426 Clinical internships in Physical Therapy Ⅱ 3
PHSIO431 Physical therapy  in musculoskeletal  System and rehabilitation methods for sports injuries 3
Major elective from list 3
Total 15
Course code Course title Credits
Major elective from list 3
Total 4
Semester 7
Course code Course title Credits
PHSIO399 Seminar 1
PHSIO461 Physical therapy in Neurological system Ⅰ 3
PHSIO463 Clinical internships in Physical Therapy Ⅲ 3
PHYSIO467 Pharmology in physiotherapy 3
PHSIO471 Physical therapy in Neurological system Ⅱ 3
Major Elective From List 3
Total 16
Semester 6
Course code Course title Credits
PHSIO499 Graduation Project 3
PHSIO464 Clinical internships in Physical Therapy   Ⅳ 3
PHSIO478 Physical therapy  in geriatric and pediatric 3
Major elective from list 3
Total 12